I can only deal with one problem at a time right now, so I am going to get Will's albums done. I am planning on boxing them up and putting them in a safe place out of the way until he moves out. We just have no storage room in this house and my albums need to be distributed to the owners. I think if I get Will's high school years and his Eagle scout album done, that is it for him. Then I can start on James. You know, the one with 12 pictures! ha
I am looking forward to a great National Scrapbooking Day. We are going to be meeting at the Lion's Club building at the fairgrounds. It has plenty of room for all of us, and as long as it is warm enough, I think it may be a great location. And you know how that day goes, food, scrap, food, scrap, food, food and then maybe a little chocolate, scrap. ;-)
Since I am talking so much about my son, this is him, entertaining his cousin at Easter 5 years ago. I think his cousin watches too much CSI.
Here he is with his pride and joy car (which I learned to hate!! what a money pit)
And my boy! Isn't he beautiful? Even in 2006 he was a handsome young man. You should see him now!!
These are some of the fun pictures I am going to go put in an album now. I hope you are getting some fun stuff done.
Happy Easter!