Friday, October 25, 2013

Retreat week!

Well, you all know that we were snowed out o the retreat that I was going to host a few weeks ago, but did you know I planned on attending a second retreat this month?  I can't say my hubby is thrilled with me, but he does spoil me and doesn't put up to much of a fuss about the retreats in the fall.

I actually only attend 3 a year, and I host 2 of them, so they are a bit of work.  This one is awesome because I am actually working on my family albums and not fussing about how everyone is doing and watching clocks and worrying if people are having a good time.  Not that I mind that at all, I still enjoy my retreats, but this is a bit more relaxing!

So, one of the reasons I am excited about this retreat, is that I am going to be working on my 2012 album, which I have decided I am going to do BECKY HIGGINS PROJECT LIFE style.  I am hoping to get the whole year done in one weekend.  (scary huh?) But, I think I may be able to do it.  And, this is the pile of stuff I am taking to the retreat.  Yes!!  this is all.  I know right??  Not the huge car load I usually have.   Oh, I am taking my CRICUT and my GYPSY too, but that is it!  So, wish me luck and I will send you updates from the CROP!

Have a super weekend !  I know I will - Connie

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fall retreat in South Dakota

So, I have had these pictures loaded for about a week and a half, but they make me so sad, I have had trouble getting the post written.  I was so excited to go to out retreat at STORM MOUNTAIN this year.  I was organized, I had a plan, I started packing about 2 weeks in advance, and piles of things to load into my car appeared in the living room starting the Monday of retreat.
By Thursday night, this is what I was looking at piled up by the front door.  I knew the weather man was predicting bad storms, but he is always wrong.  They ALWAYS go south of us!  We ARE going to scrap book this weekend!  AT STORM MOUNTAIN!  And, I believed that, right up to 11:00 AM Friday morning, when I watched someone go into the ditch on the way home from Walmart.  :(
By Friday afternoon, this is what we were dealing with.  And it was still coming down in droves. The leaves, still on the trees and not yet turning their beautiful fall colors, were holding all of the snow up in the trees.
And by early evening on Friday, we were hearing branches breaking all over the neighborhood.  Power had been flickering in and out all day, and by 6:00 was over.  No electricity for us.
My son's little project truck has a broken windshield.  And the tree damage on the property is unreal!
Thankfully, the tree that landed on the shed didn't do any damage, but I was worried, with very little storage in the house, this is where I keep my extra stuff.
The last blessing for us of course, was the fact that I picked up firewood on an impulse Friday morning.  We haven't used this fireplace in 10 years because we aren't home long enough (usually!) But it sure kept us warm this storm.  

So, during the storm, I read 3 books, made 6 cards for a customer of mine  (oooh!  I should take pictures of those!), and hung out with my hubby and son.  

I wonder if this might be the beginning of  a weather trend here, it has been the weirdest year for us.  I am going to remain prepared just in case.  Firewood ready!  Flashlights a plenty!  And batteries galore for when the next storm hits.  In the man time, I have put away my retreat bags and and plan on doing those projects at home, sometime between now and Christmas.  And, I am packing up for my next retreat at the end of the month.  I am working on a new project at that retreat!  I am going to give pocket scrap booking a try.  I'll let you know how it goes.    C