Sunday, January 24, 2016

I'm still here!

Despite the odds, in spite of the way my day and my thinking went, I am still here.  My grand daughter spent the night last night.  An event that I really enjoy, but it totally wipes me out!  She is nine months old, so sleeping isn't really her thing yet.  And sleeping someplace other than her own home is even more challenging.  Last night, I got 4, frequently interrupted, hours of sleep.  And then, had the handy man here most of the day working on getting some things done on the house.  So, planning the week really didn't happen too much today, although the planner did get a little decoration.  And, until this evening, I had no idea what I was going to share with you.  Truly, I don't know if anyone even reads this thing, but I keep hoping that my voice will get out there.

So, on with the sharing!  My house continues to move forward.  I know it might not sound like much to you all, but I have 2 new storm doors and 5 new interior doors, and they are all installed!!  It is a huge change to the way the house feels. The lighter wood, doors that closed, or stay open just makes the house feel ... better.  It's amazing the little things that bug a person.  Some of them, I don't even thing we are really aware of.
So, this is my downstairs hallway.  3 New doors and new paint.  It is a great start!

The picture below is so blurry!  I am sorry.  I just wanted you to see how pretty and clean the hallway looks.  The doors used to be the same color as the frames.  YUCK!  Now it seems so much more open and airy.  I love it.  I had no idea when I was letting my teen age boys 'decorate their space' that I would have to replace the doors because of the stickers (and holes I found under posters) that they had 'decorated' with.  It just didn't occur to me.  stupid stupid stupid!  I really think teenagers should come with instructions and warning labels!  Thank God they outgrow that and become amazing adults! 

Since this is a blog about scrapbooking, maybe I should touch on that just a little bit before I get off this thing and go to bed.  I would like to share why I love the Close to my Heart WORKSHOPS ON THE GO and I'm sure I will love the new WORKSHOPS YOUR WAY.  They are such a great starting point for my pages!  

My goal this weekend was to scrap CHRISTMAS 2015 and get it in the books.  Not just my scrapbook, but my boys' albums too.  Well, the best laid plans, as they say.  I did get the basic layout done for my pages and I have a loose plan for the boys' pages.  I started by following the workshop page instructions for the WHITE PINES WSOTG.  I still need to get one picture printed, but the rest - 4X6 and smaller- I print as I go at home when I'm not ahead of my game.  And now, I've used all the embellishments, touched them, bonded with them and become familiar with them. That will make them easier for me to reach for as I'm doing the rest of my pages.  (Sometimes I am embellishment challenged!) 

After making the workshop pages, I start laying out the rest of my pictures and making a plan to get them all in my book. I usually go with a pretty basic layout like the one below.  It doesn't look like much now, but, I am going to add a bunch of CRICUT cuts and embellishments, and it is going to blend seamlessly with the previous pages (WSOTG).  I had hoped to only do 4 pages at the most, but, no self control.  And , it's my happy book, so I can have a 6 if I want I guess.  LOL

I'm still using the WHITE PINES paper from the workshop as I plan the rest of my pages. But, I'm spreading it around in small bits so I can get the other 3 boys pages done too.  Wills book will probably have 2 pages (POCKET LIFE style) and James and Tori will each have 1 page scrapbooked.  It's not that they can't have as many pictures as Will and me, I just don't think they really want 47 pictures of the grand baby like her dad and I do.  Ha ha.  So, in the end, I am going to be using the same paper pack, the same embellishments, pretty much the same CRICUT cuts, and I am going to be making at least 10 pages!  And my jumping point is the workshop layout! I love that my creativity sparks from the workshop pages!  

For tonight, I have the layouts sketched for my book (see yellow sticky notes!). Pages are started to be put together, and pictures are printed for everyone elses pages.  (see below!) I am hoping that Tuesday night I can get all the CRICUT cutting done (I will be designing on the go on my iPad in CRICUT DESIGN SPACE) and then get the pages all assembled and glued down either Tuesday night or Wednesday morning.  You will know how I do, because I will be chatting with you here on Wednesday!  

But, for tonight ... I am about to drop, so I am off to bed!  Happy Scrappin' Y'all!   connie

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday Whispers!

So, real life has invaded my peaceful and productive mode!   Do you find this, or is it just my brain, or my life maybe?  I am super productive in the things I WANT to do for a while, like the last couple weeks have been, and then WHAM! Real life kicks in and I find I have to spend my time on things I probably should have been keeping up with on my "vacation".

This morning I got up and realized that I still have a huge stack of mail and bills on the table from the last couple weeks that I really needed to deal with (it's done!  Yea me!)  And I have a couple projects that I have parts and pieces for all over the house.  (I'm getting to those next!)  And housework!  Do we really have to go there?   OK- I did acknowledge that last night after work and cleaned my kitchen and a bathroom.  And laundry is caught up!  But, I really should do some things like vacuum and dust.  Yuck!  OK,OK .... I'll vacuum before work!  You can hold me accountable!  ha ha

My planner definitely needs some revision to hold me more in check.  I need to do "must do"s and "want to do"s at the same time.  I was watching a planner video on YOU TUBE last night, and the gal who did it said that she listed her top 3 every day.  Hhmmmm ....I think that is interesting.  A good concept and who can't do 3 things a day?  Right?  So, starting today (for tomorrow) I am going to try 3 things. It's getting the right 3 things done that might be a problem for me.

Speaking of planners.  I want to pass on a little tip.  I got a wedding invitation the other day.  The wedding is in May, but I needed to get the reception card back this week, so I was dealing with it.  (remember, I went through my mail pile! ) So, I filled out the reception card, stamped it and put it in the outgoing mail pile ready to stop by the post office.  Now I have a wedding invitation for MAY! I have a horrible memory and there are directions to the reception on the invitation.  How will I ever keep track of that?!  My CTMH planner to the rescue!  I flipped to the May monthly calendar, and wrote the times and event in.

And if you know me, you know I like to write in pencil in my planner, so it's not very dark.  So, now I have the event in my monthly page, what about those directions?  

I didn't want to write them on the daily page, where would I put my "to do" list?  So, I took a 4X6 notecard, decorated the edges with WASHI TAPE (this will help holes not to rip too) and wrote the directions on there.  They are saved, when I need to get to the locations, I can take notecard out of my planner easily to refer to, and, the invitation is in my ephemera box for 2016 do I can scrap it when the time comes!  Win Win!  

And my weekly pages for this week ... pretty plain. 

Sunday morning is my day to plan, usually with no time constraints, but last Sunday I had my CLUB in the afternoon, so my time had to be 'well spent' instead of 'at my leisure'!  I basically got written down a few of the things I wanted to accomplish this week and that's it.  Since then I have done a bit of stamping and updating of 'things to do' but - this week is going to be a wash in the decorating dept. ha ha! 

I took the pictures before I checked my lists for today, and I actually have quite a few of those things done and checked off right now.  Maybe that will calm down the anxiety in my brain! Before I took the time to check the 'plan' I was feeling quite tense and out of control. I love having things written down!  

Well, now that we've had our little visit, I better get going on my "3" lists and checking off a few more things today before work.  See you soon, and spend some time crafting today, even if its only in your dreams!  :-)    connie

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Sunday update

Good Morning.  How is everyone today?  I have had a good week, but not quite as productive as I had been the last 2 weeks.  My oldest son is back to work, and my daughter in love doesn't have her drivers license yet, so, it eats up a lot of my time.  I don't know that I'm really unhappy about that, but, it is nice when my son is home so I  have extra time to play!

Anyway, I digress!  I am here to talk about My scrapbooking club meeting today!  I am so excited!  I don't think I have seen my girls in a month and I have missed them.  I have so much to share!  This month, we are working on the La Vie En Rose  paper pack.  I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but my goal this year is to use up ALL the papers every month.  This month, I almost did it!  Here is what I made:
So - I apologize for the bad pictures!  But, in my defense, it is like -10* outside and I am not headed out there any sooner than I have to.  This is my layout using the CTMH design that came in the workshop.  I think it is a great layout, but a little "lovey". My single sister would never make it exactly the way they have it done.  Of course, the words and titles can all be changed to fit what ever need you have.  As a consultant, I like to do at least one layout the way the designers have planned it.
A bit of a closer look at my silly family! 

In my quest to use up all the paper in the workshop, I decide that I would do a page for as many of my children's books as I could.  (I was going to say for each of my children, but my youngest NEVER has any pictures for me to scrap!)   So, this is a page for my bonus child's album.  I generally do a 1 page spread for his albums, unless it is a big event. 

He went to see his grandparents over new years and had a wonderful time.  Not many pictures though. 

 Did you notice that I used a FACE BOOK POST?  His grandmother posted something and I thought in future years, it would be cool to tell his kids that MAMAW was on social media! I just did a screen shop with my phone and then printed it off.  It was kinda tricky to get all the embellishments in too!  But, I wanted it to be a LA VIE EN ROSE page for sure!  

The next step, making an opening page for my album.  Welcome 2016!  I don't know that I'm going to be doing all pocket pages this year, but, the new workshop style is incorporating pocket pages in they fray.  I thought I would give it a try.  I must say, I am very happy with how they turned out.  

I love all the GOLD touches that I got to add to this layout.  I knew I needed to put those in there to balance out the LA VIE EN ROSE GOLD FOIL TAPE accents!  This layout turned out just how I wanted it to!  

Of course, now I needed to get the cards made.  There are so many ideas on PINTEREST! That always seems to be my starting point for ideas, then, I just get in my scrap room and see what happens.  This month, this is what happened. 

I personally, don't care for the ROSES B&T, but, it makes a great accent on cards and I loved using it as the base for the banners on cards 2&3. How about a closer look?

So, guess what!  I STILL HAVE PAPER LEFT!! Not a bunch, but enough for one or two pages or several more cards.  I am going to work on getting it used up today and tomorrow so I will be ready to move on to the paper pack we are using in February.  

For now, I need to go get ready to go to CLUB!  See you Wednesday, 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Working Wednesday!

Good Morning.  Well, it's the second post of the new year.  I can see how this could work if my life keeps going the way it is.  I have accomplished so much in the last 12 days, I am amazed!

Today, I woke up, not with a list of things to do on my mind, but with thoughts of my oldest son.  He is 26 today.  How did that happen?  He is older than me.  Is that possible?  I only feel 16 most days.  My body tells me different.  And so do the books of memories I have to look through and laugh, and cry and  .... remember.  How does one  and not have their heart burst with love?  I just don't know.  Some days, like today, I think of my children and I feel like my heart will explode with pride and awe.  How did I raise such amazing men?  I am so proud of them.  What a legacy I get to leave.

So, now that I am all teary ... let me share with you what I have been working on for the last few days.  First off, my planner pages for this week.

OK,  so no matter what I do today, these will not open upside right.  Sorry about that.  I just wanted to show you a couple things.  I am using my WASHI TAPE!  I have a HUGE collection and I just don't use it enough, so I dug it out and plan on using it on every page.  The SHOE washi is showing a shopping day with my daughter in love.  My granddaughter is in need of some bigger sleepers, she is growing like a weed.   

The ARROW washi tape is pointing to a very important day.  CTMH club day.  We get to get together and play on Sunday!  YEAH!!  I am so looking forward to starting this year off.  We have a lot to talk about and plan for the upcoming year.  

The BLACK washi going vertically is separating my 'normal chores' from the special things I want to get done.  like prepping my upstairs bathroom for painting and taking my daughter in love to much for her birthday.  

The SINGLE CAMERA  from my camera washi, just draws attention to a few things I would like to pick up this week.  The stamp I used here is one of the CTMH roller stamps.  How fun is the font on this stamp?? I need socks for work instead of my athletic socks.  I know its a silly thing, but If i don't write it down ....   

So, I also find that I have some 'running lists' random thoughts, long term goals, etc.  I have added 2 decorated note cards in my planner.  I just move then from week to week, and when they get full, I'll make another one. So many things I want to do.  It is just overwhelming. 

This morning, my goal was to finish the HALLOWEEN paper pack from CTMH that we worked on in Oct. or Sept.?  I don't remember.  But, I knew what picture I wanted for the left page and had to wait for the right page.  My kids spent Halloween in Denver, so I wasn't actually there to see Miss Z's costume, but weren't they cute??  And the super close up of Miss Z is one of my favorites!  I love the little pout and the drool on her lips.  Could just be the photographer in me.  I love the details.  

We made both of these pages in Club, and I will be putting these in Will and Laura's book.  I am only going to do a 1 page layout for my book.  Maybe face it with pictures I made at the ZOMBIE WALK in downtown Rapid City.  Some gross pictures, let me tell you.  

I thought you might like to see what I've been up to today, so there you are.  Now, I am off to work on Christmas pages.  I want to get those don this week too.   

Keep scrapping'  

Sunday, January 10, 2016

A New Year Begins

Well, hello. I wanted to say good morning , but most of the day is gone and I am just getting to this. Some days go like that, but at least I'm here!

I finally am getting around to actually documenting my New Year's resolutions, although I have been working on them since the first. Do you make resolutions? How is it going? Are you following thru? When you screw up (and we all do) are you hard on yourself? Please don't be. That is my friend you are talking to you know.

I decided to skip the lose weight/ get healthy resolution and stick to some things that I have already been working towards. I am just now solidifying them. So, should we share? Tell my yours and I'll tell you mine.

1. Taking an online class just for me! I love this and am really excited about it. I am taking ONE LITTLE WORD, a class by Ali Edwards. This is an ongoing meditation if you will where you focus on and filter your life through a word of your choosing. Ali gives us a video and prompts every month which we work on and share (if we choose) on closed sites. My word this year is JOY for a variety of reasons. And, just so you know, it is January 10, and my JOY has already been severely challenged. I'm working through it.

2. BLOG! OK, I know i promise to do this more often frequently. I am not going to promise this time. My plan is to BLOG on Sundays for sure, and maybe more often as things fall into place. We will see how the year pans out. I am optimistic!

3. PLANNING - OK, most of you know that I was THRILLED with the new CTMH planner that came out in December. I still am. But, as much of a 'planner girl' as I used to be, I have gotten out of the habit. My goal is to plan the week out on Sundays and then OPEN THE PLANNER!! every day during the week. I think our planner is such a great way to not only plan your life, but record it! You'll see why I say that soon!

4. Sell the House! I have made great strides in getting things going. The work is getting started and things are on the calendar with my and my handy man. So, I am hoping it will be on the market by June 1.

5. SCRAP MORE!! This is part of my planner/ JOY thing. I am planning on scrapping at least one day a week. I was going to do it Sunday's when I plan, but I think I run out of time. Fridays might be good. I have made some changes in my life that free up a lot of time on Fridays.

              On a side note: my secondary goal is to be like Amanda! Those girls in my scrapping      club will appreciate this, but for those who haven't been to my retreats, an explanation. Amanda cleans her area between EVERY project! Wow! I didn't know you could do that! So, my goal? Clean it up before I go to bed every night! And, pick up between projects.

              I am also on a NO SPEND for awhile. I have so much in my scrap room, and that doesn't even consider what is in my storage unit. I am going to scrap with no buying until I have a significant reduction in supplies! 

Cleared of my scrapping area, move my computer back here, and made sure that I can work with my photo printer and CRICUT easily and still scrap. After 10 days it seem to be working great!

It is so interesting working with a limited supply. I feel like I am spending less time looking for things and more time accomplishing something. I think this is a good plan. Now, to keep a schedule that is paced to maintain production!

6. Take care of myself. I need to remember to refill the tank. I give a lot of emotional support to my family and my friends and customers at work. I need to remember to take time every week, if not every day to refill the emotional tank and make sure I'm good so I can go out and do it again.

So, that is the first Sunday blog post. I know I didn't show you anything I have done, but it's coming. Soon ..... Connie