Saturday, January 7, 2017

December is coming (OOPS!)

Well, look what happens when you open your blog in JANUARY!  I took pictures several days in December, saved them to my BLOG to write a nice BLOG update, and then walked away.  Who does that?

So, this happened.  I fell in love with my XYRON 250 again!  When using the CTMH die cuts, this is perfect for adhering them.  Just run them through the XYRON, and there is adhesive o those little tiny lines, and everything sticks where you want it to.  LOVE IT!!

I had actually planned on this being a teaser for my CHRISTMAS CARD/ PARTY INVITATION.  But, they have been sent and received , so no teaser.  But, I loved working with the CTMH die cuts for the cards.  It made them go so fast!  This may be my tool of the year!  

So, since this is getting out about a month late, I am going to stop here and post it.  You will be hearing from me again atlas once again today.  :-)  c