Friday, December 28, 2018



And I have updated the CLUB page to let you all know what is going on!  I hope if you are not a member of our CLUB, you will consider joining us.  I have dates, page pictures, and hostess information available for you all.  

See you all soon!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

December Daily notes Deux

It is so nice to be able to put things in order here and get my thoughts down in a clean concise format.  I tend to get so sidetracked when I try to journal and scrapbook and hunt for things... etc. etc. etc.
I hope you all don't mind seeing the memories I am going to record in my December Daily.  
Any way, here is installment 2 in this series.  Days 6-10

December 6 
This is the first day I can start taking things up to my new apartment.  It goes much faster than I thought it would.  In the time I thought I could take 3 loads up, I take 6 or 7.  I feel like I am making a HUGE amount of progress.  I have SO MUCH SCRAPBOOKING STUFF!!  Where did I keep it all?

December 7
My boys came and helped me move the rest of my stuff up to the new apartment.  I am so grateful.  We got it almost all moved by noon, I fed the boys, and Tori had to go home.  Thankfully James stayed and helped me get it all finished.  I don't know how I could have done it without James, Tori, my mother, and her housekeeper Linda.  But It is done now, and I slept in my new apartment for the first time tonight... among the boxes!! 

December 8 
I have been looking forward to this day since Marcia showed me the picture of Santa.  This year ... I am taking the babies to see Santa.  I felt like I didn't get to participate in that tradition at all last year as it was done at Harley.  And that's fine, but this year is mine, and I am very selfishly owning that!!

My wonderful Rowan was not impressed with Santa at all!  He was not afraid, just did not want anything to do with him, and made that clear to anyone within seeing distance.  Look at the scowl on that face.  And my sweet Zoey ... she couldn't wait to tell Santa she wanted a 'Dream Barbie and a pony'  I loved that we could take our own pictures (I wish I had known ahead of time, I would have brought my good camera) and we could take as many as we wanted.  

I thought it was only fitting that I got a picture with Santa too!  I told him I just wanted a happy healthy family! 

My CTMH Christmas party was today!  We had so much fun!  
(insert photos here!!)  
I don't have the pictures off my camera yet.  but they will go in the album as I can fit them. 

Zoey and Rowan spent the night at grandma's new house today too!  It was a lesson in "No Rowan" all night long, but we survived.  The kids loved the snow globes that my friend Roxie sent home for them.  

December 9
Rowan is NOT a morning person.  He makes grandma without coffee look like a saint!!  we suffered about 45 minutes of temper tantrums and dirty looks before he decided to join the human race.  

Once he was over the morning part of his day, he and Zoey enjoyed looking at the Mickey Mouse album I made for our Disney trip in 2008. This makes me so happy that I scrapbook.  Someday they will be looking at memories of their lives.  

December 10
Grannies dice at Tracey's house.  This is one of my favorite traditions of the Holiday season.  I love getting together with these fun girls and losing my butt!!  (Isn't Diana's shirt cute?)

December 11
The saddest part of my Holiday season.  My nephew Tyler is still in the hospital in Sioux Falls.  We are not getting many updates.  When we do, they are not very informative and there seems to be not much change.  We are all praying hard for his recovery.  

So, that is the current update on my December Daily.  These are only the pictures from my phone and ones that I have heisted from the internet.  I am sure that I will be adding more to the album when I download the photos from my phone.  I love this project.  I will update you one the next 5-10 days soon.  And eventually you will get to see them in an album (when I can find it!! )

Have an amazing week!  
See you soon

Thursday, December 20, 2018

My December Daily Plan

Good morning!!

You all know that I am a total LOVER of Ali Edwards December Daily Albums.  This will be my 4th or maybe 5th year of doing this album.  (I would check, but since moving my DD albums are currently in my storage space)  I don't usually finish the album in December.  This month I may not even start it in December, but I take pictures and I take notes so I can do it quickly and have all the information I need when I sit down to work on it.

So, knowing that, I thought I would share my plan for this year on how I am handling the busy days and the boring days.  Lets start by knowing that until about the 15th, I didn't really have a conceptual plan.  I was just taking pictures and taking notes.  Last week, as I had a VERY busy Christmasy day, I got a strike of genius and I now have, what I feel, is a really good plan for me.

So, somewhere in my new house I printed a Dec. calendar and scribbled notes for the beginning of the month (before I moved) I will find it soon I'm sure, in the mean time, I am going to share what I can remember from the beginning of the month.  Remember!!  Christmas related stories (or December specific)

1- Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!  A beautiful snowy day and I heard this song 3 times in the short time I was out of the house today.  I went to a Christmas Bazaar and ran to the store to get ice.  The rest of the day was spent watching Christmas movies and packing what I could for the move.

This was also my first Santa sighting!!

2- On my way home this afternoon, the deer that hang out near my house were here.  I have always meant to take some pictures of them, and today I finally stopped and took a couple shots.  They are so lovely and calming.  I love seeing them as I am driving home.  I have no idea why such a blue tint, but it kinda works for me.



5-Dinner date with my friend , we try to do things together frequently, but more effort is made in December since we are single and tend to be "Scroogey"

So, as you can see, I don't have December specific pictures or journalling for the 3rd and 4th.  I am OK with that. This is part of why my DD doesn't get done in December.  I will fill these days with other December memories from this year.  Maybe the story behind a specific gift I will give or receive.   Maybe the story of a tradition that we have or I would like to create.  This "hole" will be filled with 'overflow' of Christmas spirit as the month progresses.

I am hoping to keep you posted on my Christmas memories and DD progress.

How are your December memories adding up?

Stay posted ...

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Good morning my friends.  I really wanted to write about this while it was fresh, but don't think it needs to be way out there, so you all get to listen to me ramble. 

Every time Ali Edwards (one of my favorite scrapbook gurus) has a DAY IN THE LIFE challenge, I really do try to do it.  And to get all the stories like she does. But, alas, it was a pretty much fail again this time. Although, I am proud of myself for remembering it fairly early in the day and getting a few shots right away of the big event.  

November 27th was the day. 
Mine did not start the way it usually does.  But this project isn't about normal, it's about THIS day.
I got a call from my mom at 6:00 AM.  My dad had fallen and could I come give them a hand.  Before coffee, almost before clothes, I was headed to mom and dad's house.  Shortly after I got there, the EMTs arrived and had put together a plan to get dad in the ambulance without too much pain.  

Gratitude (the lense we are seeing through for this DITL) :  I am so grateful for the emergency team we had.  The kindness and concern they had for my dad's comfort.  The respect they had for my mom and her home. 

I have no idea what time this was.  But, I remembered that it was DITL and I needed to document.  We got dad to the ER, I made sure everyone was settled in, and I left when they were taking dad to Xray.  I knew I wouldn't be much help there and I needed to get my apartment picked up so it could be shown today.   Anyway, my day doesn't start without coffee.  It was about 9AM, and this is my first cup.  I frequently microwave my coffee every other day.  I'm good with that. 

OK - maybe it was closer to 10AM.  How did we ever live without microwaves?  I am grateful for technology, I am grateful for coffee.  I am grateful that I take a moment to slow down and have a 'cuppa' to start my day and plan the day. 

Apartment cleaned, and I'm ready for work.  I'm grateful that I have learned to accept "good enough" and let go of some of the stress I used to create in my life. 

 Back to the hospital to check on mom and dad.  Dad definitely broke his hip.  Now we wait for them to get him into surgery.  Again, I remembered that it was DITL and had my sister take a picture of my reality. 
I am grateful for pain medication.  It is so hard to watch dad try to be comfortable while he waits for a surgeon.  I am grateful that the nursing staff is so accommodating in listening to dad when he feels like he needs more medication.


Another family waiting room.  I am grateful that there is somewhere to wait when dad needs some privacy or when he is having a procedure. We girls can have a discussion about life without filtering too much.  I am so grateful to have my mom and sister in my life to listen to me bitch and also share my joys!  

Dad ended up having dialysis - a 4 hour procedure before he goes into surgery. I took mom home to rest and pick up a few things and I went home for a couple hours.  
I am grateful that mom is getting a chance to rest.  I know she is exhausted.  

As long as I'm on a roll tonight, I am going to continue to clean up my apartment. The move is going to be stressful enough without having to go through stuff I don't need.  
I am grateful for all I have, but I am also grateful for my 'anti-hoarder' moods.  I threw away a bunch of things that I don't need and that are no longer relevant.  I didn't even look at a lot of them.  I am sure I won't miss them. 

All the Thanksgiving dishes are done.  I finally emptied the last of the leftover dishes and got them washed up.  I am getting them back to their own homes today!! 

I am grateful that my family has enough food.  That we have leftovers and the the means to save them.  There are so many families that don't, we are so blessed. 

AS I was cleaning, I tore the stove apart and cleaned it.  One less thing I will have to worry about when I move.  I am grateful that I have the time to take care of this today before I go meet mom at the hospital. 

I took the time to contact the last of my CTMH customers and get the orders together for this month.   I am way behind on this front, but it is the time of year that I function in behind mode.  I'd love to not do this, but atlas I don't let it stress me out like it used to. 

I am grateful for CTMH.  I love this company, their support of their consultants, and the friendships it has allowed me to make over the years. 

About 10:30 and I am driving home from the hospital.  Dad didn't have surgery, but he has had dinner (of a sort) and is comfortable for the night.  They are planning on surgery in the morning.  I am going home knowing that he is comfortable, that mom is headed home to get a good nights sleep without worrying (too much) and that things will progress as they should in the morning.  

I am grateful that the weather is good.  I am not having to struggle through snow and ice as I travel these late night roads. I am also grateful for the Christmas lights.  It is such a cheerful thing to see after such a consuming day. 

And, after getting home, I watched a little TV, drank a couple glasses of water, and headed to bed.  Not the DITL, hour by hour, that I was hoping to do. 

 But, today, I am grateful to Ali Edwards for encouraging me to make an effort to record this day.  Some of these shots and memories wouldn't have been saved without this project. 

I hope you consider looking through the lens of gratitude at your day.  Take a moment to open your eyes to the little things in your life.  And, if you can, record them. 

happy scrapping      Connie

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Progress not perfection

And good morning to you!!  

I am giving my computer and home printer a workout this week. 
With my "vacation" coming to an end, one of my BIG projects is still looming over my head, and I am determined to finish it.  

My youngest sons albums didn't get finished before he graduated.  Probably because we didn't have a big party for his graduation.  Actually, we weren't even there.  Long "parent fail" story.  But, now, I am determined to have ALL of his school years scrapped (and out of my house).  

One of the hardest things about being so far behind, for me, is not remembering the stories behind some of the pictures.  I have one.  I know it was VERY important for me to take it.  I remember FEELING like it was important when I printed it just now.  But, I have no idea where we were or why it was important.  It brings back that feeling.  Like the smell of baking bread brings back a feeling.  I am going to have to ask him if he remembers.  Another moment that makes me feel like a bad parent.  I don't remember every ... single ... moment of his life.  

But ... I have the picture by golly!!

I love printing my pictures at home.  It gives me the time to decide what size I want.  It gives me the chance to visualize the layout before I print.  I tend to have less 'left over' pictures.  I only print what I am actually going to use.  And I never have to wait for the morning to finish a layout - If I forgot to print a picture, I can just do it.  This was a total win investment for me.  Of course, that is just this woman's opinion.  

In going through the files on my computer, I can see how my organization has evolved.  And can we all just take a moment here to say a quick "AMEN" for digital photos.  Having scrapped from 1992 - 2010 in the last 3 months, let me tell you, finding photos got way easier when I started taking digital pictures (2005).  And, I can see how my filing system is so much better now!!  I struggled to find some pictures I KNEW I had, even in 2009!  

Four of the albums I have finished this summer.  Jamie already took 3 home, and I am finishing up the last album from his high school years.  So many albums.  So many pictures.  So much love.  I probably did too many.  I don't know if he will even care.  They may sit on a shelf.  But I LOVED reliving these memories this summer!  I feel closer to him, whether he knows it or not.  LOL

And, on a final note, there are a few pages like this.  I finished the album these pictures should have been in.  I wasn't going to tear it apart to add one lost page, so I added this page to an album probably 3 years past the event. He needed to have these pictures!  I am at the FINISHED is better than PERFECT stage of the game.  The important this is that he has the memories.  #chronologicalscrapbookingfail  Some times I wish I could just scrapbook random pictures.  

Are you a chronological scrapper?  Do you scrapbook by theme?  If you scrapbook by theme, how do you not scrapbook a photo more than once?  Maybe it doesn't matter.  

So, thanks for reading my ramblings. See you next time,

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


I am sort of panicky today.  I am looking at the calendar and seeing that my time at home is coming to an end so quickly.  I am VERY excited to be going back to work, but I am also looking at my list of things I wanted to get done this summer and it's looking very unfinished!!  

Closets aren't cleaned out and windows aren't washed, but I have really enjoyed my time off and spent quality time with friends.  I've been to movies (maybe 6?), a couple plays, and a few rides in the hills. I've finished some scrapbooks and planned others.  
I've looked and my planner and scheduled a few classes for the fall, and I've made plans that I hope I'll be able to afford to do.  

Overall, I'd say life is very good at my house. 

One of the classes I've planned is a SYMPATHY CARD class.  I spent last Monday deciding on the card patterns and putting my demo cards together.   We are going to be using the paper and stamps shown in the picture below.  

Class size is limited. 
When - Aug 12  10AM - 4PM
Cost  $20

Must be signed up by AUG 10

I am so excited to get my card inventory re-stocked.  I never have time to make cards as events happen, so I keep cards on hand.  Because of this, I am planning on doing several card workshops!  
If you have a THEME you would like me to do
Let Me Know!!  

In the meantime, please contact me about joining this workshop.  


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Recipes of Love

I am so Blessed to work with women who are so creative  and   who share their creativity!!

A fellow consultant named Bonny Tullo developed a BONUS recipe card workshop to compliment the GIMME SOME SUGAR recipe book kit sold by CLOSE TO MY HEART this year.  I offered it to my CLUB members and had 10 people sign up.  What a great class!

I, of course, forgot to take pictures during the class. I do have plenty of pictures of the pages we made.  Such a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon in July.  Friends and Air conditioning who could ask for anything more!

So, I'm sure you're not here to read my blather ... on to the pictures!!

Starting with the beautiful COVER piece.  This will be attached to the front of out BLUSH 6X8 ALBUMS.  The GLITTER isn't really showing up well in these pictures, but in person, it really makes the cover POP!

Nothing like starting your album out with a picture of food!  I love the idea of having pictures in my recipe book!  I am looking forward to going through my photos and finding one of EVERYONE in my family in the kitchen!!

I totally LOVE this picture of my grand daughter making chocolate chip cookies!  The minute I saw the ALBUM kit I knew I was using this picture! 

I didn't have any 3X4 pictures ready to go, so I put place holders in.  3 photos on this page!! 
I love, love, love arrows with hearts on them.  I think this stamp set was totally purchased for the arrow and the camera!  LOL

More cameras.  That means more pictures today!  I know I can find some to fill these spots!  And check out the embellishments.  All of these were stamped and cut with a CLOSE TO MY HEART stamp and thin cut set!!  So easy!  And I will be adding many more to my album as I get recipes written and pages filled.  

Because I put the kits together with what I had - some of us used B&T on this page, and some of us used the FLOWER PML card.  I love how the ZIP STRIPS on the right hand cards continue the flow of the album.  

 I just laid a PML card from one of the other kits over my page so you could see what it looked like.  The embellishment is from the SCRAPBOOK workshop, and will appear like the picture above.

Again, the ZIP STRIPS at the bottom of the recipe cards pulls the viewer along the path.  And then you are at the 'picture' page!  Again, some home made embellishments make up the cluster in the lower right corner on the right hand page. And more GLITTER paper sparkles in real life. 

'FINE AND DANDY' in the instructions used stickers from the SCRAPBOOK kit.  I used those stickers on my scrapbook pages, so I stamped the phrase here.  I think it works just as well!  And, I gave away all my PML cards for the right hand page, so again , I stamped my own and cut out the rolling pin.  I popped mine with DIMENSIONAL TAPE for more interest.  

Isn't that a great album.  I can't wait to add the pages from the CTMH kit and get my recipes in there!  

Thanks to Bonny for sharing her talent and to all the girls who came to play with me this week!  
I can't wait for my next class!


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Progress not Perfection

In case you were unaware of what is going on, I am home for the summer recovering from a hand surgery.   Since I had to take the summer off anyway, I decided to take this time to recover from my divorce. To heal myself, and purge and sort, and clean the ton of stuff I moved into my LITTLE apartment.  I've been here for almost 2 years, and it looks like I just moved in.  

I have been at it now for 4 weeks.  I am making time to enjoy life and spend time with friends and family, but I am also spending 4-10 hours working on the projects that I have decided need to be dealt with before I go back to work.  

Yesterday, it was my youngest son's albums.  

I should start by saying that part of my "big" plan is to finish my children's albums and get them in their hands instead of in my apartment.  If a photo isn't worth scrapping I toss it, and I am PURGING a ton!!  

My oldest son has most of his albums.  He has is SCOUT albums and his SCHOOL albums, but I still have photos to scrap from POST SCHOOL and of course the last 3 years of being a daddy!! This are mostly caught up, just a few pages to add and I can box those up for him.  

However ...

My youngest son's stuff is a mess!!

All of those boxes are full of photos (a bunch undated - just sayin') , ephemera, and memorabilia.

What a mess!  Yesterday I spent 9 hours, YES!! 
9 hours
 sorting, throwing, organizing and scrapping for him.  I am not done, but I have a great start.  I think I can have his done by the end of the week.  Such a good feeling to be able to move this out of my head and house.  

I am so excited to say that all of my children will be getting FINISHED scrapbooks for Christmas this year.  I am finishing them, boxing them and wrapping them up!  DONE!

My serious advise to you, as your friend, 

Get a STABILLO pencil, and if you print a picture, 

So many of my son's photos I remember the story, but have no idea if it was kindergarten or Third grade!  I'm a bit sad about that.  But, they will still be in a book with a story and I am sure that is all my son will care about.  

Hope you have a happy scrapping day!  


Saturday, June 2, 2018

Getting Things Done

I am amazed at what  can get done with one hand!  I have set up a list of goals (on my phone, since I can't write!!)  and I managed to CRUSH the first one!

I follow an amazing scrapbooker named ALI EDWARDS.  I have for a long time. I have even purchased several classes from her.    

So, one of the things she does is A WEEK IN THE LIFE album every year. She chooses a week every year and documents the "reality" of the whole week. The food, the mundane, the shopping, the tantrums, the house, the yard, the whole shebang.  She offers  a new line of products every year to go with the process she does very publicly on her blog.  I haven't purchased the WEEK IN THE LIFE products (or class I don't think) but, I've followed her process and started it for 2 years!  I did (some of) the journaling, I took all the pictures, but never got them into an album.

My first project to finish while I am off this summer is my 2017 WEEK IN THE LIFE album.  I started with corralling the pictures on my computer into one place.  As organized as I thought I was ... this was enlightening!  I have some work to do on cleaning out my computer's memory.  (later!)

I printed the pictures I wanted after I decided I was going to use just a few 4X6 photos and mostly 3X4 photos.  I chose background CARD STOCK ( I have a bunch of retired I would like to get used up - another goal!)  I then pulled a limited supply of embellishments, PROJECT LIFE cards (I have a bunch of these from before CTMH made pocket cards) stamps, and inks.  I find that looking for things as I go and adding things all the time slows me down and overwhelms my creativity.

So, with my supplies out, I started on Tuesday afternoon.   I started with a 'loose' plan.
 1) a title page for each day 
2) a 'day' pocket for each day and
 3) and an 'initial' card for each day.  

With my goals and my loose plan in mind I filled the pages for the week with my pictures first. Then I added the CARD STOCK pages and pocket cards, then the PROJECT LIFE cards. 

And now, the fun part begins!  Decorating the pages.  At this point, I didn't understand how ALI EDWARDS and most of the other people who have done this project needed a whole album for this!  It was crazy!  I was gonna put 2 years in one album, not 'waste' a whole album.  Then ... I started decorating.

I love my title page!  I used a BECKY HIGGINS PL card.  I love that camera (and i just realized I need to put bling on the flash!)  The frame is an old RECOLLECTIONS piece I believe.  I used CTMH 'Marker Alphabet' #E1034 for my title, with BLACK INK and 'Week in the Life' is from the CTMH RETIRED stamp set Notice the Details #D1378. I haven't used this set much for as much as I loved it when I bought it, but I will, just wait, I will!

The pocket pages were next.  And they are so fun to decorate!  Remember I told you I was making CARD STOCK day pages?  Here is the first one. 

Just retired OCEAN card stock I hoarded. I stamped 'MONDAY'  in BLACK ink with the CTMH stamp set 'My Life' #D1572.  I used the days of the week from this set for the WHOLE book.  The font is different for every day, which I LOVE!  I am a bit of a font freak.  LOL  The embellishments are old RECOLLECTIONS pieces, except for the yellow flower which is from a very old CTMH paper kit. I looked for the name, so I could tell you, but can't find it. The embellishments were very bulky for that kit and I didn't use them in my big albums because of that.  And, other than for the workshop, I didn't use them on cards because I didn't feel that they would mail easily. 

I love the wood veneer 'hello'!  The adhesive was crap, but I love the look of it.  Wood embellishments are soooo cute in these small albums.  Personally, I don't like the bulk in my big albums. 

The other consistent detail I wanted in my album was the initial for every day.  On Monday I used a camera PL card (I love camera accents in anything!!)  I think this is such a nice little detail in the album. I'm really glad I made this choice. 

Once again, I used the Marker Alphabet set from CTMH.  Using up some old embellishments and bling as I go.  

Just a little more information before I leave you today.  I am using SIMPLE STORIES page protectors and album for this project. (cleaning out my stash).   2 years ago, when I made my grand daughter's albums for family, I DOUBLE ORDERED page protectors!!  WHO DOES THAT??  
Well, me apparently.  So, I have a ton of page protectors and 1 album.  Now 0 albums, and still a ton of protectors.  I will be shopping for a couple more albums so I can use up the page protectors.  It's OK though.  I love mini albums.  They mean FINISHED projects. 

Have an amazing day and a scrappy weekend!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Recovery - the first of may updates

Well, it's amazing how much time one spends on the computer when you can't really do anything else.  I am catching up one the blogs I follow, the instagrammers i watch and the shopping places i try   not to spend too much time (or money) at.

my computer time is helping me prepare for projects i want to do while i am recovering. i have a list of goals for the time i have off.  id love to write them down, prioritize them and do some brain storming, but, alas, i can't write anything down!  i had no idea how much i used my hands. specifically, my right hand!  hopefully, until i am more agile, i can LEARN!  i have several online classes and youtube tutorials that i need to spend time on. i will continue to research and do what i can to improve my online presence and my personal history recording.  i am still struggling towards my goals . what do i want in my future? what goals do need to achieve the future i want? what steps do i need to take to achieve those goals?

sorry, meds kicked in .... mind wondered ... rambling ensued. LOL   my point was, in the 5 days I've done very little other than surf the web, I've discovered a few things id like to change.

1.  i need to take more pictures of my life.


              So, my first , honest picture of my life.

             I need to send more cards. I make them.  I save them.
             I organize them (see photo for proof)  This was my                 first project in my summer off!

             Now - I need to start mailing them

this i discovered while reading the WEEK IN THE LIFE blogs by Ali Edwards.  
I have pictures from this year and last year that i would like to get them in albums with journaling before i go back to work.
                Anyway, Ali takes a ton of pictures, and actually scraps 10-12 a day. I only took 4-5 a day, and not all of them are scrap worthy!  I would like to be more aware of moments, aware of things and people worthy of recording. Things i see now  ... i want to REALLY SEE.

2. I can and probably should blog more about the process.


          This is the first step in the PROJECT LIFE 2017 album                                                                                        

          I am determined to finish this year!    

          I am grouping the photos from that week, I am then going to narrow down the ones I plan on using, I'll put them in the page protectors, then add papers and embellishments.

          You will be seeing more photos of this album soon.

I tend to blog about big things.  When they are done or if they are important i record.  That probably isn't necessary. I can share just the pictures with notes from my days. Or I can scrap the same. general photos, notes from the day. Everything isn't a huge thing to everyone else, but i know I don't record some thoughts that I would like to remember.

3. The blog is a great place to record some history and some thoughts.

          If you follow my FB page,

                 2cut's HEART

          You have probably seen this lovely picture of my arm.  I am 13 days out from surgery and already frustrated and wishing recovery was over.

          I think if I could be better about posting things here .... I might have a better timeline for some of the thousands of open thoughts  and projects rambling around my head.

 I don't utilize my computer to NEAR the potential it offers. It is a great resource. There is so much potential and i have not even explored the possibilities. I am hoping to explore resources that will work with my cra-cra thinking.  Maybe I can accomplish more.  Or, maybe I can just bore you all to death with my rambling!

Either way, you are going to be getting a taste of my crazy thinking.  My sorting my thoughts.   And my trying to get control of my space.  Welcome to this crazy ride!

So Welcome to my World

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Touching base

So, today is the last day before I have surgery.  I am finishing up one more day of work and some scrapping and personal things around the house.  

I have big plans for what I plan to do with my 3 months off, but honestly, I am not sure what I am going to actually be capable of doing.  I'm kind of freaking out a little this morning.  I'm not even sure I can drink coffee left handed.  I don't think I can butter bread left handed!!  Not that I'll starve to death very fast, but, REALLY!!  I am so NOT left handed!!  

So, today, grocery store, change sheets on bed, pay some bills, get my CTMH order in, and try not to have a melt down thinking about surgery tomorrow.  I will be glad when I am into the recovery.  But today, I'm a little nervous.  

I imagine while I am off you will hear from me often.  I think I will be able to type better than I will be able to do any other form of communication. And I may need a place to feel in touch with my friends, I hope you will be here!!  

See you on the other side ...