And good morning to you!!
I am giving my computer and home printer a workout this week.
With my "vacation" coming to an end, one of my BIG projects is still looming over my head, and I am determined to finish it.
My youngest sons albums didn't get finished before he graduated. Probably because we didn't have a big party for his graduation. Actually, we weren't even there. Long "parent fail" story. But, now, I am determined to have ALL of his school years scrapped (and out of my house).
One of the hardest things about being so far behind, for me, is not remembering the stories behind some of the pictures. I have one. I know it was VERY important for me to take it. I remember FEELING like it was important when I printed it just now. But, I have no idea where we were or why it was important. It brings back that feeling. Like the smell of baking bread brings back a feeling. I am going to have to ask him if he remembers. Another moment that makes me feel like a bad parent. I don't remember every ... single ... moment of his life.
But ... I have the picture by golly!!
I love printing my pictures at home. It gives me the time to decide what size I want. It gives me the chance to visualize the layout before I print. I tend to have less 'left over' pictures. I only print what I am actually going to use. And I never have to wait for the morning to finish a layout - If I forgot to print a picture, I can just do it. This was a total win investment for me. Of course, that is just this woman's opinion.
In going through the files on my computer, I can see how my organization has evolved. And can we all just take a moment here to say a quick "AMEN" for digital photos. Having scrapped from 1992 - 2010 in the last 3 months, let me tell you, finding photos got way easier when I started taking digital pictures (2005). And, I can see how my filing system is so much better now!! I struggled to find some pictures I KNEW I had, even in 2009!
Four of the albums I have finished this summer. Jamie already took 3 home, and I am finishing up the last album from his high school years. So many albums. So many pictures. So much love. I probably did too many. I don't know if he will even care. They may sit on a shelf. But I LOVED reliving these memories this summer! I feel closer to him, whether he knows it or not. LOL
And, on a final note, there are a few pages like this. I finished the album these pictures should have been in. I wasn't going to tear it apart to add one lost page, so I added this page to an album probably 3 years past the event. He needed to have these pictures! I am at the FINISHED is better than PERFECT stage of the game. The important this is that he has the memories. #chronologicalscrapbookingfail Some times I wish I could just scrapbook random pictures.
Are you a chronological scrapper? Do you scrapbook by theme? If you scrapbook by theme, how do you not scrapbook a photo more than once? Maybe it doesn't matter.
So, thanks for reading my ramblings. See you next time,