Monday, October 4, 2010

I've been busy ....really!

This is my excuse and I am sticking to it - literally!  My son's very good friends are getting married and I have been asked to make the wedding invitations.  I said yes before I knew how soon the wedding was.  I also chose the cards to CASE before I knew how many I was going to be making.  So, I am in the middle of making 100 wedding invitations in 2 weeks.  What was I thinking?  What am I ever thinking when it comes to my kids and their friends that I adore? 
These that you see above are the cumulative work of 3 days of cricut cutting, gluing, cuttle-bugging and planning.  I hope they all continue to go together as well as these last steps have gone.  Now to get the rest of the parts and pieces cut and glued and print out the actual invitation. 

Oh, there was the one moment of deciding on a black tie or a white tie, once good old Martha came through for me and provided a bow punch after 5 days of looking and begging.  Ha!  Gotta love Martha!

1 comment:

  1. very cute....................
